Touch Me festival: OutInOpen

editors: Olga Majcen Linn, Tomislav Medak, Sunčica Ostoić

publisher: Kontejner

year: 2005

dimensions: 22.00 x 16.50 cm

package dimensions: 36.00 x 28.00 cm

price: 100 kn / 15 euros



Exibition catalogue

Joe Davis/ Molly Ferguson/ Filip Heimann/ Thomas Kaiser & ndash; Multi-Channel Audiomichroscope, Microorganism Farm, Listening Libraries, Golden Girl, car Guitar

Oliver Kunkel – Mosquitobox

Siniša Labrović –

William Linn – Wargames

Ivan Marušić Klif – Allo, allo

Melville, St. Jacque-,Yona – LifeBoat

Marta de Menezes – Nature?

Marnix de Nijs - Vibrating Zagreb-Thrillmachine

NRD Van – NRD Kit

Radical Software Group – Black Hawk Down (RSG-BLACK-1)

Stahl Stenslie – S.U.F.I.-Suicide Fashion International presents The Ka-Boom edition

Zoran Todorović – No Title or Absent

Polona Tratnik – In(threat) timity


Tomislav Medak/ Petar mMilat –Intro

Marie-Luise Angerer - Art and media in motion

Oliver Razac - Rality TV and Biopolitics

Bojana Kunst - Wirelles connections: attraction, emotion, politics

Matthew Fuller - Compiling Citizens, media ecologies of surveillance

Eugene Thacker - Biomaterial and 'Life Itself'

Critical Art Ensamble - Fuzzy Biological Sabotage

Jens Hauser- Bios, Techne, Logos: A Timely Art Career

Marta De Menezes - On pipettes and art studios: intersections of art and biology

Ionat Zurr & Oron Catts - Vicitmless Utopia or Victiomless Hypocrisy



Tomislav Medak/ Petar Milat (Multimedia institute) - On the Use and Abuse of Intelligence for Life

Kontejner - Vampires, butterflies, sheep, golden girls, semi-living entities and other miracolous encounters

Michael Moynihan - Pentti Linkola

Donna Kossy - Voluntary Human Extinction

Nicolas Claux - The Vampire Manifesto

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