editors: Olga Majcen Linn, Sunčica Ostoić, Tereza Teklić
publisher: Kontejner
year: 2011
dimensions: 22.00 x 16.50 cm
package dimensions: 36.00 x 28.00 cm
price: 150 kn / 20 euros
Exibition catalogue
Evelina Domnitch/ Dmitra gelfand – Camera Lucida
Andy Gracie & ndash; Fish, Plant, Rack
HeHe/ Helen Evans/ Heiko Hansen – Nuage Vert
Marija Knezić – xPatch-Anti-Radiation Patch
Ines Krasić/ Ivan Nikolić Lesh – Bannana Poetry 2
Dubravko Kuhta Tesla – MEP
LIGTUNE.G/ Bojan gagić/ Miodra Gladović – Lighterature Readin No.1
Mischer'traxler/ Katharina Mischer/ Thomas Traxler –Nespresso batery-There is a lot of Energy in Nespresso Capsules
Field – AF/AC Workshop
Jasenko Rasol – Winter Gardens
Ken Rinaldo/ Amy Youngs – Farm Fountain
Barry Schwartz – Shocktactics
Valentin Thurn – Okusite otpad Taste the Waste
Tissue Culture & amp; Art Project/ oron Catts & Ionat Zurr – The Remains of Disembodied Cuisine
Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec – Virtual Hole-Wind 1:1
Kontejner - Intro
Katalin Martinas - Energy in Physics and in the Economy
Manuel Da Landa - The Geology of morals: A Neo-Materialist Interpretation
Reza Negarestani - Solar Inferno and the Earthbound Abyss
Slavoj Žižek - Earth, a Pale Mother
Dražen Šimleša - Solutions on the Mirage Horizon
Noortje Marres - The Making of Climate Publics: Eco-homes as Material Devices of Publicity
Igor čatić- Plastic the Greenest, Rubber an Irreplaceable Material for the 21st Century font>
Marko Strpić- The Freegan - a Life without Money or Consumption
Dumpster diving.
Melentie Pandilovski - Philosophical, Cultural, a nd Economical Pillars of Biotechnology
Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr- Life as a Ray Material: How to Consider Bio-matter?
Hrvoje Pukšec – Film is the Art of Electrical Energy and the Sexiest Current Vines from Split Atoms