Saša Spačal is an intermedia artist, who is currently working in the fields of real-time interactive video/sound production and bioart.
She has taken part in exhibitions in Moderna galerija, Galerija Škuc and Galerija Alkatraz. As a member of Temp group she had participated in public interventions/installations, in the development of strategies for alternative use of abandoned spaces, and in exhibitions Odprti Rog, Pogovarjanja/Conversations, Mapiranje/arhiviranje/analiziranje izginulih prostorov umetnosti. As a researcher, she took part in the international project Performing the City that was seen in Munich, Naples, São Paulo, and Paris. Her latest interactive installation 7K: new life form was presented in Slovenia at the HAIP Festival,
Czech Republic at Enter 5: Datapolis, art/sci/tech biennale Prague, and Turkey at AmberFest’11: Next Ecology.
Currently she is studying the interconnections of various media, technological and biological organisms in the field of interactive visualization and developing strategies for the use of physical interfaces for generating sound and visuals as a member of Theremidi Orchestra at Ljudmila, Ljubljana digital media lab.