
Ines Krasić (HR, 1969) graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Zagreb in 1993, where she has been a member of the academic staff since 1995. Krasić holds the position of professor in the graphics department, and since 2008 has worked part-time for the Academy of Fine Arts in Osijek as an associate. In her works Krasić addresses society- and media-constructed gender stereotypes as well as the impact of advertising. Krasić has exhibited her works on numerous individual and group exhibitions in Europe and the United States (Glyptotheque of the Croatian Academyof Arts and Sciences, Zagreb; Heroes in Transition, Nottingham; Viennafair, Vienna; Device_art 2.006, Zagreb/Velika Gorica, Belgrade, San Francisco). Krasić is the winner of several art awards, including the Grand Prix at the 7th Triennial of Croatian Sculpture in Zagreb.

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