catalogue editor: Tereza Teklić
reader editor: Ivana Bago, Sunčica Ostoić, Tereza Teklić
publisher: Kontejner
year: 2013
dimensions: 22.00 x 16.50 cm
price: 150 kn
reader price: 70 kn
complet: 220kn
Exibition catalogue
Ivana Bago i Olga Majcen Linn - Introduction
Ana Alvarez-Errecalde - MORE STORE/My parents/Fina (Fr0m LIFE series)
Aris Angelis - People of the 20th Century
Maja Bekan - Golden party
Hrvoslava Brkušić - Conversations
Lada Cerar - Who's afraid of Seniors?
Tomislav Gotovac - Foxy Mister
Sanja Iveković - Isn't she too old for this? - On Witches
Marko Jeftić - Fabulous Fairies
Ivan Kožarić - Life without frames/I.K., Happy/ Overjoyed/Delighted.../Phaluses
Siniša Labrović - Mens sansa in corpore sano
Suzanne Lacy - The Crystal Quilt
Ana Lendvaj and Ružica Mikulić - The Capital of Age
Mirjana Miljković and Neven Sviben - Alzheimer - The Human Face of Dementia
Ana Opalić - Confused Chapters - Excerpts from a Film in the Making
Andrea Palašti - History of Dalmatia
Stahl Stenslie - Sexiatrics-A project on Extravagantly Sensual and Elder Bodies
Sandra Sterle - Reviving Nono (Aesthetic of political trauma)
Mladen Stilinović - Yes, Samuel Beckett is Also Sitting in this Room, Quietly, More Quietly
Anja Strelec i Tomislava Jukić - Home is where my age is
& Scaron;kart - Domino dance
Pilvi Takala - Wallflower
Goran Trbuljak - Untitled
Silvio Vujičić - Studies of Style
Sonja Vuk - What Game are you playing?
Stephen Walker - Young @ Heart
David Albahari i Škart - The Writer is the Stamp
Maja Bekan - Golden Party
BD Indoš - Vareška 19 (Sprung Performance of Adresse)
Siniša Labrović - Please, Sit Next to my Mother and Say Something Nice to Her
Allucquere Rosanne ''Sandy'' Stone - Touch me, Touch you: A neovagina monologue
Neda Šimić Božinović - Countess Zrinski-Nugent-Laval
Lois Weaver - What Tammy needs to know about getting old and having sex
Ivana Bago, Sunčica Ostoić - Intro
Stevan Vuković - Performing Age in Gerontology and Visual Art
Linn Sandberg - The Old, the Ugly and the Queer: thinking old age in relation to queer theory
Pat Thane - The Age of old Age/Old age in the 20th Century
Silvia Federici - The Great Witch hunt in Europe
Kathleen Woodward - Tribute to the older woman. Psychoanalysis, feminism, and ageism
Marko Stamenković - Extravagant suicide? Images of aging, suffering and End-of-life
Gary Shapiro - Building, Timing, Thinking: Reversibile Destiny After Hegel, Heidegger and Smithson
Miško Šuvaković –
Age/Art: Being/Time. Between techniques of representation and
techniques of mastering the forms of life
Ana Peraica – Time travel and photographic negatives: theory of post-negative world
Kelly Joyce, Laura Mamo – Greying the cyborg: new directions in feminist analyses of aging,
science and technology
Nina Czegledy – On prosthetics: Extreme loss – potential gains
Goran Arbanas – Sexuality in advanced years
Alison Marie Kenner – Securing the elderly body: dementia, surveillance and the politics of
„aging in place“
Silvia Rusac – The challenges of caring for a family member afflicted with Alzheimer's
Jasminka Despot Lučanin, Damir Lučanin – Changes in cognitive capacities in old age
Silvia Rusac – Domestic violence and the elderly
Oldest competing bodybuilder – world record set by Ray Moon
Sanja Radica, Andrea Šimunović – What we talk about when we think about aging? (Or what
are we actually afraid of?)
Damir Lučanin, Jasminka Despot Lučanin – Theories of aging and growing old successfully
David E. Bloom, AlexBorsch-Supan, Patrick McGee i Atsushi Seike – Population aging:
facts, challenges and responses
Aubrey de Grey – After the war on aging: speculations on some future chapters int he
never-ending story of human life extension
Franco Berardi Bifo – Exhaustion and senile utopia of the coming European insurrection
David Albahari – Short stories about old age; Poems about old age
Ena Hodžić - Extravagant workshops
BADco. - With one foot in the dance
D'Elvis - Blue Suede Shoes
Ljiljana Mikulčić - Taking a peek behind the scenes: Writing film
Luka Kedžo - DEATH with a lot of humor
- Photographed-Documented
Nina Czegledy i - The Extensions of man-Hacking the Body-Prosthetics
Parkticipacija - Extravagant Garden
Silvio Vujičić - Adaptation
Tajana Josimović, Tea Juretić i Marta Kolega - Complaints Choir
Zaklada ''Zajednički put'' - Walk in Old Shoes