Device_art 4.012 okrugli stol
------- ČETVRTAK 11.10.2012.
od 18.30h Device_art 4.012 okrugli stol @MM Centar
moderira: KONTEJNER | Sunčica Ostoić
jezik: engleski
- Pavel Sedlák (CZ)| New media experiments in Czech art
- Deborah Hustić (HR) | On collective soldering – DIY and DIWO practice
- Davor Jadrijević (HR) | From hacking to Nikola Tesla
- Stevan Kojić | New media art in Srbia
+ from the artists' perspective: Prokop Bartoniček (CZ) | Saša Spačal (SI) | Standuino (CZ) | Standa Filip (CZ) | Hrvoje Hiršl (HR) |
Darija Medić (RS)